A-301 MARINE DEPTH SPA CONDITIONER 250ml,500ml, 1000ml

PRODUCTS > Conditioner&Treatment > A-301 MARINE DEPTH SPA CONDITIONER 250ml,500ml, 1000ml

A-301 MARINE DEPTH SPA CONDITIONER 250ml,500ml, 1000ml

Derived from the deep-sea plants, it forms a natural protecting layer to keep your hair moisturized and smooth.

Extraites de plantes de la matière condensée molle profonde, peuvent former une couche de protection du patrimoine naturel, humide et lisse.

Derivados de plantas submarinas, forman una capa protectora manteniendo el cabello suave e hidratado


Work conditioner thoroughly through wet hair, for deeper conditioning, leave in for 3-10 minutes.  Rinse out.

Después de haber lavado con shampoo, aplicar de manera uniforme sobre cabello mojado, para un acondicionamiento más profundo mantenga el producto de 3 a 10 minutos, proceda a enjuagar.

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