AO-06 Argan Active Oxygen Extreme Repair Pack (salon pack) repair shampoo100mlx1 repair mousse 25mlx5 repair oil 60mlx1

PRODUCTS > ARGAN OIL RANGE > AO-06 Argan Active Oxygen Extreme Repair Pack (salon pack) repair shampoo100mlx1 repair mousse 25mlx5 repair oil 60mlx1

AO-06 Argan Active Oxygen Extreme Repair Pack (salon pack) repair shampoo100mlx1 repair mousse 25mlx5 repair oil 60mlx1

Argan oil, also known as morocco oil, is extracted from the nuts of argan trees grown in Morocco where the people living have been using it for generations. Enriched in fatty acid, sterol, vitamin E and phenols, argan oil can repair hair splits and dryness, eliminate dandruff. It has been universally acknowledged as “liquid gold” and becomes a reliable and natural hair care product. 

L'huile d'argan, connu comme l'huile au Maroc, est extraits des noix de l'arganier cultivées au Maroc ,qui etais utilise’ depuis longtemps. Enrichi en acides gras, des stérols, la vitamine E et phénols. L'huile d'argan peut réparer les cheveux abime’ et redonner
Souplesse aux cheveux deshydrates et eliminer des pellicules. Il a été reconnu comme « l'or liquide» et devient un produit capillaire fiable et naturelle pour soins de cheveux.

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