PL-06-5 Green Tea Deep Cleansing Antidandruff Spray 100ml

PRODUCTS > For Dandruff&Oily Hair > PL-06-5 Green Tea Deep Cleansing Antidandruff Spray 100ml

PL-06-5 Green Tea Deep Cleansing Antidandruff Spray 100ml

With double green tea activating essences to instantly relax and cleanse the scalp by exfoliating and supplementing moisture to scalp. Boosts the scalp’s natural defenses to effectively prevent dandruff build-up and balance sebum secretion, restoring the scalp back to its soft, clean and healthy condition.

Contenant del'huile essentielle de thé vert, ses agents actifs permettent de purifier etsoulager le cuir chevelu en l'exfoliant en profondeur. Ce sérum fortifie lacapacité de protection du cuir chevelu et élimine le développement depellicules et régularise la sécrétion de sébum. Le cuir chevelu retrouve santéet légèreté.

Con el doble de las esencias activadoras de té verde para relajar   y limpiar el cuero cabelludo mediante la exfoliación y complementar la humedad a los folículos del cuero cabelludo. Aumenta las defensas naturales del cuero cabelludo para prevenir eficazmente la caspa y  la secreción de grasa, restaurando el cuero cabelludo a su condición suave, limpia y saludable.

DIRECTIONS: Partition the hair and evenly spray this product onto the scalp and hair. Gently message with fingertips using spiral movement s for 3-5 minutes. Thoroughly rinse with scalp cleaner.

It is suggested to use once every two days and keep using for 1 week.

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